Functional Shelves

A pair of of functional shelves for all your lifting, reaching, dexterity and sustained posture testing.

Metriks Education Inc.

Functional Shelves (set of two)

Functional Shelves (set of two)

Regular price $495.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $495.00 CAD
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Note: the telescoping ladder is not included.  An 8.5 foot telescoping ladder can be purchased on Amazon for around $100.



Metriks Functional Shelf
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The Metriks Functional Shelf is an essential tool for Functional Capacity Evaluators during an FCE Test. This portable, flexible, and affordable tool measures postural tolerance, dexterity, and mobility in non-material handling tasks as part of a comprehensive Functional Capacity Evaluation. Test results are compared to the industrial standard, with scores rated according to occasional, frequent, or constant categories.

 What is included:

  • Two shelves
  • Fine dexterity pegs
  • Gross dexterity (handling) pegs

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